Elder Fraud - Mounting Your Best Defense

Happy Belated 4th of July!

 Welcome to July's LynnLeigh Journal. Elder fraud and online scams are a growing problem in the modern world. Every year, millions of unsuspecting seniors fall victim to these kinds of schemes and lose their hard-earned savings or personal information in the process. As an individual investor, it's important to know about elder fraud and online scams so you can protect yourself from becoming another statistic. In this blog post, we'll discuss what elder fraud is, how it works, what signs to look out for when trying to identify possible scam attempts, as well as strategies you can implement today to help keep your finances safe from unscrupulous actors. Let's get started!

 For our brief market update, we look at the current market conditions, reflect on year-to-date returns recognizing that market timing is not a great strategy... it's time in the market, not timing the market.

 As always, I enjoy hearing from you. Please let us know if there are topics that you would like us to cover. I hope you and your family are happy and healthy and that you are have a wonderful Summer!


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